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IMPORTANT NOTICE & DISCLAIMER (Intrinsically part of every testimonial posting on this blog)

Please keep in mind that medical claims must not be made in any advertising or literature you use, see the FLP Company Policy Handbook for more information. Note that these items could constitute making medical claims if used in conjunction with Forever Living Products or literature. These testimonials are for distributor use only and should not be copied to members of the general public. We have not seen most of the original letters included here. We have included our own personal testimonials. We have collected great testimonials of people past and present. In no way do we make any claims that these products will cure any disease. We are only sharing with you personal testimonials. We were given many of these testimonials from Forever Living Distributors.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Sandra Brace
(Aloe Vera Gel)

I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and had
a hysterectomy after which I began a course of
chemotherapy for 6 months. After 3 months of being
clear they found a secondary tumor and I was told I
would need a further 6 month course of chemotherapy.
I was unable to complete this course as I got the MRSA
super bug and the antibiotic depleted my immune
system. As I still needed chemotherapy it was decided
that I would take it in a milder tablet form with the
possibility of radiology in the future. The effect these
chemicals had on me were very unpleasant, the worst
was my digestive and bowel system. It was as if I
had drunk acid. Earlier in the year I had visited an
Exhibition where I was told about Aloe Vera and how
it could help me. I was skeptical and thought it could
not be that good and left it at that but my problems
persisted. After talking to my nurse who said I could
benefit from trying Aloe Vera, I decided to go to the
next Exhibition where I found FLP. The distributor
was informative about the ways Aloe Vera could
help me and advised me to drink the Aloe Vera Gel.
After only 2 days of drinking the Aloe Vera Gel, my
digestive tract and bowel calmed down considerably.
A few weeks later I was told I would need Radiology
daily for a month and that it could irritate and burn
the skin. The Therapist said that all she could give
me was a moisturizing cream for dry skin but I told
her I would prefer to use my Aloe Vera Gelly. She
said that she could not allow this, as so many patients
brought in crèmes to use, but they have so many
chemical additives they could not be used, as it would
interfere with radiation. She offered to have my Aloe
Vera Gelly tested in the laboratory. Two days later
the results came back that the Aloe Vera Gelly was
almost 100% pure and therefore they were perfectly
happy for me to use it after the treatments. In fact, they
said that they had never seen one so pure before. At
the end of my treatment I did not have any radiation
burns, irritation or dry skin and as I was drinking the
Aloe Vera Gel my energy levels had improved. In
fact, friends have been saying how well I have looked
lately and have asked what I have been doing. I told
them about Aloe Vera and how it has helped me. I am
now an FLP distributor. Although I have been told
my cancer is not curable, I feel that together with my
positive attitude on life, great support from my family
and friends, and with the help of Aloe Vera Gel my
quality of life has been greatly improved.

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