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IMPORTANT NOTICE & DISCLAIMER (Intrinsically part of every testimonial posting on this blog)

Please keep in mind that medical claims must not be made in any advertising or literature you use, see the FLP Company Policy Handbook for more information. Note that these items could constitute making medical claims if used in conjunction with Forever Living Products or literature. These testimonials are for distributor use only and should not be copied to members of the general public. We have not seen most of the original letters included here. We have included our own personal testimonials. We have collected great testimonials of people past and present. In no way do we make any claims that these products will cure any disease. We are only sharing with you personal testimonials. We were given many of these testimonials from Forever Living Distributors.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Rosie Andrews
(Forever Aloe Lotion)

When my baby, Reyna was born in 2009, I noticed
she had a few places of eczema on her body. I applied
the Aloe Lotion all over Reyna every day. The
eczema cleared right up. But a by-product of using the
Forever Aloe Lotion all those first months of her life
is that she never had diaper rash. I highly recommend
FLP Aloe Lotion.
Julie Harper
(Aloe Propolis Crème)

My daughter had eczema on the inside of her elbow
which became worse over time, spreading down
her arms. The itchiness would make her scratch
the skin for relief, which, then led to scratched and
bleeding skin which would become even more sore
and then infected and more itchy. We tried many
different creams, including homeopathic and herbal
ones. Most creams offered temporary relief but our
daughter would complain of her slimy skin because
the ointments would often just sit on top of the eczema
in a greasy layer, providing a rather inert but vaguely
soothing, topical application whose effectiveness
rarely lasted overnight. We gave in to steroid cream,
which did seem to be slightly more effective at first.
Apart from the usual concerns about steroid products,
it was also obvious that we were not getting to the
bottom of the problem but simply constantly applying
a greasy equivalent to a band aid to a seemingly endless
eruption. I was getting frantic and asked everyone what
else we could try. My Doctor had given us everything
he knew of, but none of it really worked. We wanted
to try something natural. Thank GOD, someone told
me about FLP and the Aloe Propolis Crème. With the
first application, we noticed a difference immediately.
Although the eczema seemed to redden up in reaction,
it was a brighter, pinker color and the rash seemed
to have a less raggedy edge. The itching stopped
almost immediately which was truly amazing. The
skin very quickly lost its horribly dry parchment like
appearance. It quickly plumped up with moisture
but without any greasiness from the cream, which
seemed to be absorbed deeply in a most unusual way.
After increasingly less regular applications over the
next 3-4 days, our daughter’s eczema went away
completely. It was absolutely remarkable. I put a dab
of the Aloe Propolis Crème on if I see a hint of the
eczema appearing and it nips it in the bud.
John and Juliet Ross
(Aloe Propolis Crème)

We used the Aloe Propolis Crème on our daughter’s
eczema. After applying it twice a day for 3-4 weeks
the eczema patches had completely disappeared.
However, it got worse before it got better and it was
important to persevere at that point. This is when
the ‘healing crisis” is happening when the damaged
skin cells are pushed up to the surface by the deeper
layer of skin that is healing. We continue to use the
Aloe Propolis Crème to keep the eczema at bay. The
Aloe Propolis Crème has antibacterial, anti-fungal
and anti-inflammatory properties but without the side
effects of hydrocortisone creams. We feel very safe
applying the Aloe Propolis Crème liberally when
our daughter’s eczema flares up. The Aloe Propolis
Crème moisturizes as it heals, as it is a heavy cream;
easily absorbed as well, so 2 jobs are done at once.
The Aloe Propolis Crème carries the cream down into
the dermis, promoting healing from deeper levels.
Lighter creams do not penetrate so far. Ointment
may, but is far stickier. The Aloe Propolis Crème
has been found to leave less scarring in the healing
process. A tube of Aloe Propolis Crème is 2 ½ times
the size of a normal tube of prescribed hydrocortisone
and so is cost effective when used by those who pay
for prescriptions. As a mother, I am quite happy to
pay the price for my children to have this safe and
effective alternative to steroid creams.

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