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IMPORTANT NOTICE & DISCLAIMER (Intrinsically part of every testimonial posting on this blog)

Please keep in mind that medical claims must not be made in any advertising or literature you use, see the FLP Company Policy Handbook for more information. Note that these items could constitute making medical claims if used in conjunction with Forever Living Products or literature. These testimonials are for distributor use only and should not be copied to members of the general public. We have not seen most of the original letters included here. We have included our own personal testimonials. We have collected great testimonials of people past and present. In no way do we make any claims that these products will cure any disease. We are only sharing with you personal testimonials. We were given many of these testimonials from Forever Living Distributors.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Jan Ruhe (Aloe Berry Nectar, Artic Sea, Forever Bright Toothgel)

For most of my life, every time I would go to the
dentist, although I flossed my teeth regularly, my
gums would bleed. I have gone now for the last 15
years to the dentist every 3 months to try to keep my
gums healthy. Once I started drinking the Aloe Berry
Nectar and taking 6 Artic-Sea’s a day and using
the Forever Bright Toothgel, I went to the dentist,
thinking I would hear the same news. However, to
my dentists astonishment, he reported to me that my
gums were completely healthy and there was NO
bleeding. Thanks to the Forever Living Products for
helping me get this situation under control.

Claire Finney

(Forever Bright Toothgel)

I have suffered from bleeding gums since I was a
child and nothing has ever alleviated it. I had always
found that toothpaste actually irritated it. I tried the
Forever Bright Toothgel and from the second time I
used it my gums stopped bleeding and my teeth and
gums feel marvelous.

Lisa Hughes

(Forever Bright Toothgel)

I have very strong teeth and no cavities in over 30
years. I have used Crest toothpaste all my life and
with my good fortune I was slightly apprehensive to
try something different. They say that people with
good teeth may tend to have gum problems later in
life. This proved to be true with my mother who has
had dental surgery twice. I want to prevent this for
myself. Although I have strong teeth I do get a lot of
plaque build-up despite flossing daily. When I visited
my dentist after 6 months of use of the Forever Bright
Toothgel, I was very excited by his report that my
plaque build-up was significantly reduced as a result
of using the Forever Bright Toothgel. Additionally,
my gums were very healthy with no bleeding at all
during the exam. The added bonus is that my breath
is fresher for longer during the day.

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